That’s the question asked in Psalm 121:1. The answer comes next in verse 2. Want to know where to fix your gaze? It’s not the mountains. Mountains can be captivating, full of grandeur and beauty. OR, if they’re in the way, they can elicit fear or discouragement. In this psalm, we’re reminded that our source of HOPE and STRENGTH is not to be placed in the beauty or the barriers in this world. We are reminded to shift our gaze from the mountain to our Maker. Where is your hope and strength coming from today? What are the mountains you’re looking to that always leave you unsatisfied? What are the mountains in your life that need MOVED? Take a moment. Close your eyes. Picture your mountain. Shift your gaze to the One who made the mountain… to the One who moves mountains. Take this into your day as a mantra… “Today I’m looking to my Maker and not the mountain.” Make an edit in your story – one page at a time