Have you ever averted your gaze, looked down or away, hidden your eyes or your face out of shame or embarrassment? Rhetorical question, right? It’s instinctive- hiding. We have emojis for this . In Numbers 6:24-26, we’re told the Lord makes His face shine on us – that He turns toward us. Imagine your chin being lifted to meet His eyes in those moments you want to hide yours. God wants to take our shame and replace it with His divine and gracious favor. Augustine of Hippo said, “Thou hast made us for thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.” Shame is a thief to rest and peace, but verse 26 tells us it’s restored when we meet His eyes. There’s a burden that’s lifted when we allow ourselves to be seen. Allowing Him to see into “the windows of our soul.” Verse 26 says there’s a peace that can replace the pain. We all have moments we’d rather forget. Moments we shudder at remembering. Close your eyes and allow yourself to go to one of those moments that still cause you to hide but this time see God coming near. Notice him lifting your chin to meet His gaze, then holding your cheeks in His hands with tenderness. Will you choose to meet His eyes? Its’s vulnerable. Exposing. Humbling. Allow yourself to meet the gentle eyes that can speak volumes without words: You are SEEN. You are LOVED. You are FORGIVEN.